Victor was self destructive, but he blamed it all on the monster? When someone tries to become a god or thinks that they can control nature, it punishes them and then destroys them? Death was the only way either of them would ever feel peace again. The monster almost wanted Victor to find him, with […]

Activity 1.) Timeline of Main story (Chapter 1 onward) Victor Frankenstein is a child, Geneva is his home – “I am by birth a Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic” – “No human being could have passe a happier childhood than myself” – “We felt that they were […]

Contrasting Qualities Usually of high social rank Foreshadowed by something negative Driven by passion or strong emotions rather than logic or reason Usually secretive or has an air of mystery Driven by a ‘need to know’   The protagonist does not actually know where his ‘illness’ or desire to kill actually came from, he approaches […]

Each character in the text represents a different aspect of society, and we can see how these different aspects engage and relate to one another. NOTES: Hair: Every boys hair changes throughout the story, this shows the gradual descent into barbarism. However, Piggy’s hair remains short (it stays the same throughout the story) this could […]

{Describe at least one important technique used in the written text. Explain how the technique created an emotional response in you. Note: Techniques could include figures of speech, syntax, word-choice, style, symbolism, structure, or narrative point-of-view} An important technique that is used by William Golding in the text “The Lord of the Flies” is symbolism, […]

She should have died hereafter. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time, And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a […]

Scene 1 † Characters: Doctor, Gentle Woman, Lady Macbeth Time: Night Location: Dunsinane, a room in the castle Events: A doctor and Gentle Woman discuss how Lady Macbeth has been sleep walking, they note how she is motioning her hands as if she is washing them, this is reference to her initial opinion that a small […]

Act 3 Scene 1- Summary † Characters: Macbeth, Banquo, Attendant, Lady Macbeth, (Lenox, Rosse, Other lords are present but do not speak) Location: Forres, a room in the palace Time: Soon after Act 2 finishes Events: Banquo reveals that he is leaving for a ride with his son, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth question him on this […]

Act 2 Scene 1 – Summary ‡ Characters: Macbeth, Banquo, Fleance Location: Inside the castle (inner court) Time: The night of the King’s arrival at the castle Events: Both Banquo and his son Fleance are inside the castle at Macbeth’s inner court (Glamis) Feeling nervous ‘twitchy’ Macbeth enters with a servant and Banquo questions why he […]