13th March 2019

Aristotle’s Poetics

An explanation of a theory or idea / The beginning or ‘first part’ of a play, drama or poem. Character/ main plot introduced.

Inciting incident
An event that gets a reader interested or ‘hooked’ in the story. The event that puts the main character/protagonist into the main action of their story

Rising action/Epistasis

A series of events relative to the story and its major themes. These events encourage feelings of suspense, stress, tension and curiosity/interest.


Point of highest tension or drama, the turning point.


A sudden change in the story, resulting in a negative reversal of circumstances.


A fault in the protagonist’s personality. The ‘tragic flaw’. An error in judgement.


The pride/arrogance that a character harbours which brings about their downfall/failure. Excessive pride, a superiority complex.

Falling action/Catastasis

The part of the story which occurs immediately after the climax. As the main problem in the story is resolved/fixed/comes to a conclusion. ‘Wraps up loose ends.’


A disaster or serious event which affects characters in a negative way and is referred to as the ‘disastrous finish of a drama’ – ie. when Lady Macbeth dies or when Macbeth falls at the hands of Macduff.


The resolution of the main issue/problem following the climax.


A discovery/realisation which fosters a change in a character from ignorant to wise.


A purging of emotion/feeling

1.) Specifically human action, what the characters do/how they react and interact with intense or serious events. Imitation means that the action is a representation of this through the drama.

Representation of real world events, acting or performing them.  

2.) Plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, song.

1.) To aristotle, plot is the most important trait. Character is a ‘subsidiary’. Plot supports the action and allows the dram to be coherent and satisfyingly complete. It allows the characters to grow, learn and take part in the action. The plot contains “artistically constructed incidents”.

“Without action there cannot be tragedy.” – Plot allows action to function effectively.

“…most important of all is the structure of the incidents.”

“Tragedy is an imitation, not of men, but of an action and of life”

“Character determines men’s qualities, but it is by their actions that they are happy.”
He considers the plot: “The soul of a tragedy”

Quick note:

Analogies or metaphors are useful when clarifying points, use them.

  1. Peripeteia: a sudden change in the story, resulting in a negative reversal of circumstances.

Anagnorisis: a discovery/realisation which fosters a change in a character from ignorant to wise.

  1. Peripeteia, anagnorisis and the scene of suffering foster emotion in the audience, whether it is fear, sympathy etc. This allows the viewers to experience catharsis at the end of the drama, because their emotions have been purged.

Each of these parts leads up to catharsis.  

  1. A neutral character from a prosperous name, who makes an error or mistake in judgement/action and seeing their fortune turn from good to bad.

Going from prosperity to adversity, from good fortune to bad

  1. Bodily marks (scars) or accessories such as jewelry. Signs or symbols on a character’s body.

When the poet needs to create anagnorisis to aid the plot. ‘Artificial’

Seeing a certain object which ‘awakes a feeling’

Discovering something by process of reasoning. Deduction. When a character reflects or ponders and discovers something.

The incidents the occur invoke a realisation.

– The most effective one, because the startling discovery is made by natural means, feels more real or believable.

  1. A purging of emotions. Pity and fear are released, the emotions that the audience feel during the tragedy are eliminated.
  2. “The circumstances which strike us as terrible or pitiful.” always occur between people who either know each other intimately, (and are enemies or friends) or those who do not know each other at all. It is the best when the characters know each other and share an emotional connection; such as friends, family or mentors.

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